Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Little Older, a Little Tanner, and a Whole Lot Wiser

Ok, I know that it has been almost three weeks since I graduated City Year and have last updated, but in my defense, I've have been REALLY busy moving from Florida to Michigan, and then with my summer class and with reuniting with all of my friends. Since a lot of you have been nagging me to finish this blog, though, here it is ; ) :

Graduation Day started for me at 8:00 in the morning, when I took my mom (and my chihuahua, Francheska), to visit the office. After a quick tour, Mom and Francheska left, and two staff members and myself walked to the Wachovia offices for a roundtable with a representative from Wachovia. The purpose of the roundtable was to try to engage them as a corporate team sponsor. I didn't feel that the meeting went very well, but I guess that happens sometimes.

After that roundtable, we walked back to the office for another roundtable; this time with the publisher of the "Miami Herald". I was SUPER excited about this roundtable since I have always been interested in newspaper and would like to be a journalist, but I unfortunately had to leave the meeting early so I could meet the rest of the corps and prepare for the ceremony.

At noon, the entire corps walked to Miami Dade College, which is where the ceremony was to be held that evening. We spent the rest of the afternoon practicing and running though the ceremony.

Around 5:30, my mom and the rest of the audience started to show up. At 6:00, the ceremony began. The ceremony lasted for about one hour, and started off with a wonderful video of our year. The link to that video is here: . After that, there were a few speakers, the presentation of the awards, and, finally, the presentation of the diplomas. After the ceremony was a reception, and I got to say "goodbye" to quite a few people. I am usually a very emotional person, but I did not start crying, however, until I said "goodbye" to my Program Manager, Mitch. Mitch has done a lot for me this year, and was always there to help me feel better when I was frustrated, angry, disappointed, or very sick and in need of a ride to the hospital. I guess this is what brings me to my conclusion.

As of now, I have been back home in Ann Arbor for a week and a half. After Graduation, my mom and I stayed in Miami for a little less than a week, and spent the time packing and visiting some of the sights that she has never seen before.

I really have no idea how I should wrap up my experiences from this year. It has been a long sixteen months since I first heard of City Year, and I can't yet say all that I have learned during that time. I can say, however, a few other things:

--Not all of this year was enjoyable. I lost a lot of sleep, spent a lot of time on public transportation, got into quite a few disagreements with my team, got very little recognition for the work I did, and had to do quite a few things that put me outside of my comfort zone. All of this brings me to my next point -

--This year was hard. Really hard. There were a lot of instances that made me feel like I could not make it until Graduation. I did make it, though, and I am exceedingly glad I did.

--The experiences I have had this year are incredibly invaluable. I have learned how to pay bills, how to get rid of ants/fleas/roaches, how to hail a bus or taxi, how to say "how are you?" in Creole, how to work with people that I don't really get along with, how to show a child affection without being able to hug him, how write a resume, how to bring books to life, how to teach a child to read, how to live on $226 a week, and so much more.

--I would reccomend City Year to any 17-24 year-old who is passionate about making a difference in the world, and who will be dedicated to committing to the entire year.

--I will never forget this year.

--I will never regret this year.

Thank you for all of you who have been following my blog. I realize that a lot of these posts were not intersting/comprehensible/gramatically correct, and I am sorry for that. ; ) Thank you, also for your comments. Every comment reminded me that someone, somewhere in the world, was remembering that I existed! Thank you to you all, happy 4th of July, and good luck with anything and everything you endeavor to do in the future.


Total hours: 1,856.25

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1,845.25 Hrs.

The schedule for today was as follows:

A team showcase presentations, team circles, the rock dedication ceremony, lunch, my team showcase presentation, and then the end-of-the-year party. Instead of attending the party, though, my mom, who just flew in from Michigan, picked me up from work. We went back to my apartment and had a nice dinner together before I had to log in on the computer for my class, and then we went to Baskin' Robbins after that so we could enjoy some ice cream and the photo albums I have made of this year.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

1,838.25 Hrs.

Today consisted of more team presentations, and speeches from our Executive Director and from Cori Meltzer, who was one of the people who played a major role in starting City Year Miami. In the afternoon, we were supposed to complete a scavenger hunt, but that ended poorly, since my team got into a big fight. : (


DUG: 1!

Monday, June 15, 2009

1,830.25 Hrs.

Only a few days left! Today was full of team presentations, and then the afternoon was spent at the park. We left the park early, though, since it started raining.


DUG: 2

Saturday, June 13, 2009

DUG: 4

I had meant to spend my whole day today doing homework since it is due Monday, but I instead spent the whole day reading and sleeping, which really isn't a bad alternative. : )


Friday, June 12, 2009

1,822.25 Hrs.

Today's service was meant to be helping at various local senior citizen centers, but since I had a roundtable to do in the middle of the day, I stayed back at the office and helped with paperwork. Unfortunately, my roundtable was canceled, so I had to spend my entire day until 3:30 filing paperwork. : ( At 3:30, I traveled the Douglas Road metrorail station to help hand out pamphlets for the last time.

After a looong ride home (there was a fight on the bus, and the police had to be called), I got a call asking if I wanted to go out to dinner at Tokyo Bowl, which I responded to very enthusiastically. So, both of the Erins and myself went to this fabulous little fast-food Japanese restaraunt, and had a wonderful time! What a great end to my last full week with City Year!


DUG: 5

Thursday, June 11, 2009

1,813 Hrs

Yesterday just consisted of more planning for team stuff, and more handing out of pamphlets. My online class started yesterday, though, so I got to leave work a little early so I could get home and get onto my computer in time.

Today started with the P.T. competition. My team did not win, but everyone said that the contest was fixed and that we should have won.

After getting back to the office, we watched Hotel Rwanda. I had never seen the movie before, but knew that I would spend most of it crying, which is what happened after all.

After lunch, we headed out of the office to hand out more transportation pamphlets. I wasn't feeling well, though, so I left that to go home after only about an hour.


DUG: 6