Sunday, December 21, 2008

Not Yet Winter Vacation

Since it is 80 degrees outside and I still see no snow, I absolutely do not believe that Christmas is only a few days away.

I have not been feeling well for the past week or so, so all I have been doing lately is lying around, sleeping, and reading. This afternoon, Cory and I visited the Miami Art Museum, which was tiny, but free for us "students", so it didn't matter. This evening, I have spent a lot of time cleaning my apartment, which I hope will stay at least moderately clean until my roommates come back.


1 comment:

MACMAN said...

That is Christmas in Miami, always warm and hot. I love it that way but some don't like it. South Florida is a place where you can swim with the dolphins in Miami on Christmas Day if you wanted to. Where else in the country can you say that. I hope you had a Merry Christmas.