Saturday, March 7, 2009

1,281.75 Hrs.

I know I write this every week, but this week was definitely the most exhausting ever.

Wednesday morning, Francheska and Pip both got into a bag of chocolate. I could do nothing at the time other than go to work, but after a meeting in the morning about test proctoring for the FCATs next week, I called the vet to see what I should do about the both of them. The vet recommended that I rush home right away, which meant taking an unexcused absense from work. : ( When I got home, I rushed them both to the vet, only to hear that there was nothing to do for them now other than watch them to make sure they had no averse reactions. I'm really glad I paid so much money to hear them tell me that.

Thursday was really stressful since it could have been the last day I will be meeting with my intervention students before the test.

Yesterday was another LDD day, and we learned about human trafficking and also about how to fill out our tax forms.

Today, I took a personal day from Young Heroes so I could go to a volunteer orientation at the humane society.

I am not sure if my students are ready for the FCATS next week. I guess I have done all I can for them, though.


DUG: 102

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