Saturday, May 2, 2009

1,516 Hrs.

Yesterday, instead of joining the service day at Oleta River State Park, the R. R. Moton team went in to the school to help out with the school's May Day celebration. The day began with all of the classes out on the P.E. court to watch a dance put on by each grade, the wraping of the may pole, and the crowning of the May Day King and Queen. After that, we got to supervise the bounce houses and face painting as the Pre-K - 2nd graders enjoyed themselves with those things. A little later in the day, we got to chaperone the 3rd/4th grade dance. The 5th graders did not get to participate at all in the festivities because they apparently had very bad behavior yesterday while they were trying to practice their dance. At 3:00, we helped with the kids getting to their buses, and then we got to leave the school at 3:20 - what a treat! On our way home, Madeline, Patty, Nick and I went to Chipotle for dinner, where we met Mrs. Webster, who is the reading coach at Moton. We stayed and chatted for about two hours, and had a great time. What a great start to a wonderful weekend!


DUG: 47

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