Friday, November 14, 2008

523.25 Hrs.

After spending the entirety of my day off on Tuesday purging my house of fleas, I have discovered that the fleas that were guaranteed to be gone within 24 hrs of the vet's visit are not yet gone. Because of that discovery and a few other things going on in the past couple of days, I have not felt much like updating. The feeling combined with the fact that nothing really special has happened since Tuesday are the reason I have for not posting since then.

As just stated, nothing really special has been happening. Wednesday was just like any other Wednesday, and Thursday was pretty much just like any other Thursday. The only exception to this is that we started Starfish Corps at R. R. Moton on Thursday. Starfish Corps is going to be a part of J. A. twice a week, and is kind of like a City Year for elementary school students. This is a program that is run in City Year sites throughout the country, and introduces young children to concepts such as leadership, community service, healthy choices and healthy living, protecting the environment, and the difference between NEEDS and WANTS. On Thursday, our after school students completed their very first day of Starfish Corps BTA. The kids had a lot of fun and got to play games, watch a skit, and make nametags for themselves. Starfish Corps gets its name from the "starfish story" that most people are familiar with that is about a child throwing starfish from the beach back into the ocean; everyone tells the child that he cannot possibly save all of the thousands of starfish washed up onto the beach, and he responds by throwing one more back and saying, "Well, at least I made a difference to that one."

Today, unfortunately, I had to take yet another one of my sick days. I woke up this morning with an awful migraine, and just did not feel like I could possibly make it into work.


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