Monday, November 24, 2008

583.5 Hrs.

Things are still going really well here in Miami. The children were relatively well-behaved today, and it was an easy day since we only run BBL every other week, and this week was not one of those weeks. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I was actually able to wake up on time and start off my day relaxed rather than rushed, so that also helped my to have a good day. That, and also the fact that I only have to work two more days this week. ; ) One unfortunate thing, though, was that we had a team member out sick today, so we had to worry about covering all of his classes.

J. A. was great, and so was Starfish Corps. The kids are totally getting into P. T., and today we created Starfish Corps teams. My team named themselves "The Cool Kids".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you, love! :-*