Tuesday, December 23, 2008

764 Hrs.

Yay! Winter vacation is finally here!

Yesterday, Cory I spent the entire day at the Miami Metro Zoo. It took us a couple of hours to get there on public transportation, since it is down by R. R. Moton. The zoo was very large, and had lots of really cool animals. Usually at the zoos I have been to before, the animals are hard to see and are usually sleeping. At the Miami zoo, though, all of the animals were very active! Being a weekday, it was also nice to not have to battle lots of crowds.

Today, believe it or not, Cory and I spent the ENTIRE day grocery shopping. We bought a lot of food for Christmas Eve and Christmas. One thing that my local grocery store did not have, though, was tofurkey, which is what we are going to have for Christmas dinner. For that, we had to travel for an hour to a Whole Foods Market in Coral Gables. I know that there is a closer location in South Beach, but I really dislike going over the causeway. I have always been terrified of driving over bridges over water becase I have an awful image in my mind of the bridge collapsing and me being trapped inside of a car and drowning. : ( I avoid travelling to the islands whenever I can.


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