Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1,068 Hrs.

Today was the most exhausting of all exhausting days because I worked from 8:15 a.m. until 4:45 p.m. without a single break - not even a lunch break. Because the FCAT is starting next week (!), I was teaching kids non-stop today. The hardest parts of the day, I think were the parts where I was transporting students. Kids take a really long time to get anywhere, and since I did not even have breaks in between classes to get to and from each class, I felt that today I was constantly yelling at students to hurry up, stay in line, quiet down, and to not crowd the hallways. Since moving the students took up the majority of my teaching time today, I was hard pressed fit each thirty-minute lesson into approximately fifteen minutes. And at the moment near the end of my day during which I felt the most frazzled because I was late, I had ten kids each yelling for individual help, I was trying to take attendance, and I was had a teacher I was trying to speak with, I had a student hand me an incident report for me to fill out for a student who fell down the stairs and scraped up his shin yesterday during my watch! However, I tried to take it all in stride, and keep heart with the fact that I only have one more day at the school after this, one day at the office, one day with the middle school students, and then I get a day off!


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