Monday, February 23, 2009

1,199.25 Hrs.

As I asked just recently - how does time go by so quickly? How is it already Monday again?

Today was a very busy day for me because I had a lot of things to plan and very little time during which I could do that planning. Also, a lot of the people on my team seemed to be having a bad day today, so their emotions kind of wore on me as well. I also had to give one of my students a detention today, which put further unnecessary stress on me. I only like to give out detentions as a last resort since I really do not feel that it is my place to give them (contrary to what the teachers tell me), but I told the student that she would have to have a detention if she talked back to me again, and sure enough, that was enough to provoke one more final sarcastic remark from her and thus earning herself the detention.

I am glad that I was never interested in a career in education, because I really do not think that I am cut out to teach. When a student just stares at me blankly when I am trying to teach him something, I become frustrated if I can think of no other way to explain myself. I lot of times, for things such as the multiplication tables, I only know what I know because I have memorized the information over many years. How many ways can I find to explain to a child that 9 x 9 equals 81? I do always try my best, though.


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