Thursday, October 2, 2008

244 Hrs.

Did the sun come out today? I don't know, because I left home while it was still pitch black outside, and didn't get home again until it was dark. Today was more of a typical City Year day; no more of that getting out early nonsense.

When we got to the school today, I led P.T. Apparently, all of the kids now think that I am the boss, since I tell people what to do and they do it. : ) My first class today went off without a hitch, and I was able to just sit back, observe, and mind my own business. The second class of the day is where things went wrong. While I was sitting in the back of the class and observing, the teacher asked me to grade some papers. Since I was told very explicitly that we were absolutely not to be used for things such as grading papers, I very nicely informed her that I didn't think that I was allowed to do that for her. Upon hearing that, she told me she didn't want me in her class and asked me to leave. I left and immediately went to the office of the woman who is coordinating City Year in R. R. Moton. For the time being, she sent me to work in a Kindergarten class. The children there were sooooo cute! Later I found out that I am now a Union problem, since the teacher who kicked me out of her class spoke with the Teachers' Union about me. I'm not sure what right of hers I supposedly infringed upon, but apparently I did something really bad.

During lunch, Madeline, Nick, and I spent some time in the lunchroom to help keep the order there.

After lunch, one of the teachers invited us to her class to teach them P.T. The kids caught on very quickly, and were really good at it-even better than some of our City Year members! For the rest of today, the kids kept coming up to me and performing some of the routines. How adorable!

In the afternoon, both of my tutoring sessions went well. After the dismissal bell rang, we went to the lunchroom to help the students staying after school with their homework until 6:00.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honey, I love you. I'm sad you had to deal with a stupid teacher that got mad that you wouldn't let her take advantage of you. I'm so proud! Way to say no!!!

Love you!