Tuesday, October 21, 2008

360 Hrs.

Today was the first day of our new schedule. My new schedule involves a lot more work, but is still enjoyable. Today was also the second day of J.A., which was somewhat less enjoyable than I had expected it to be.

Once again, Mike, Bernard, and I worked with the third grade group. We won't be working with just the third graders every day, but for some reason, that is how it was done today. For the first thirty minutes, we helped them with their homework. After that, we were supposed to be working on a math program on the computers in the library for an hour, and the kids were really excited to do that. As it turned out, though, there was a staff meeting after school in the library. According to the Vice Principal, no children are allowed in the library during a staff meeting, so he kicked us out and told us that the meeting would be over in ten minutes. The CY members tried to stall by having the kids play games, but none of them were happy with that since they were being deprived of the computers. When it became apparent that the computers weren't going to be immediately available, we then tried to stall by pushing up the schedule and running my club, the newspaper club. The kids had previously been really excited to participate in the newspaper club, but wanted nothing to do with it today because of the issue with the computers. By the time the kids went home two hours later, the staff meeting had still not let out.

Another down part of the day is that I found out I can no longer run my newspaper club. As you can imagine if you know me, I was REALLY excited to be creating a newspaper for the school. The librarian informed me today, though, the SHE submitted a proposal to the school today for a newspaper club, and that she didn't want two newspapers in the school or even for my club and her club to join together to create one larger newspaper. Now, my club will just be the "creative writing club".


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