Monday, May 11, 2009

1,572.75 Hrs.

Back at Moton today, the day started out with the last of the picture testing. I finished with that just in time for my first grade group, which consisted of Jeremiah finishing his alphabet poster today. Jeremiah is one of my first graders who doesn't even know his alphabet, so we've been working on a poster where he gets to copy the way I do all of the letters, and then he got to draw a picture to go along with each letter. Now we are going to work on memorizing the alphabet and the way each letter looks, both upper-case and lower-case.

The rest of the day ran smoothly, and I didn't even have to freak out very much today because my Starfish lesson didn't require much preparation.

During Starfish Corps, we continued with our "needs and wants" unit, and spent the hour making collages. The students got to cut pictures out of magazines, and paste them to paper under either the "need" or "want" heading.


DUG: 37

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