Thursday, May 14, 2009

1,604 Hrs.

Today, I only spent a little while at the school before having to leave for an event at the office. I was at the school until 10:30, which was just enough time to count $212.15 in pennies!

Most of my time at the office was spent doing prep work. Today, Leadership Florida, which is like a leadership fraternity for the most influential people in Florida under the age of 40, came to visit CYM headquarters. My job was to give my testimonial. After that, I got to be in a group that brainstormed how organizations like City Year can better build better relationships with their sponsors. Later in the afternoon, I realized that the man I had been talking to all day has been on the "Top 40 Under 40" list! How cool!


DUG: 34

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someday you will be on the 'Top 40 under 40' list!!!