Tuesday, May 12, 2009

1,584.25 Hrs.

Today was a totally crazy day. Not even counting the rest of my crazy day, my fourth grade intervention session was terrible because one of my students called 911 during the lesson in order to ask them to come save them since I was supposedly being mean to them. Thankfully, the police didn't actually come, but instead called the school to see if there was a real emergency. My student only spent about ten seconds on her telephone, and I never believed that she was actually calling anyone. I only found out the truth later when the Principal was walking around the school, trying to discover who made the 911 call. I feel completely awful about the whole situation, which makes it look like I let my students run around unsupervised and doing anything they like, which is totally not true. I mean, who would have really thought that a ten-year-old would mess around like that? I certainly never would have believed it to be true. : (


DUG: 36

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