Monday, March 16, 2009

1,335.25 Hrs.

Today was the fourth day of FCAT testing for the fifth graders, so I spent my morning proctoring an exam. The only things that ran as scheduled today were the fifth grade and third grade intervention session. The fifth grade session was easy, since today was a chapter checkpoint and I didn't have to teach my students any new material. Third grade was rough, though, as always. One of my students, Jeron, misbehaves every day. He is very disrespectful towards myself and the other students, and is very distracting as well. I use to stop the lesson every time he acted out in order to bring him back under control, but I now know that stopping the lesson every few minutes is detrimental to the learning of my other students; I am forced to sacrifice Jeron's learning so that his behavior does not ruin the learning of four other students. This is a really tough thing for me to admit to and do, especially since Jeron does not even know his entire alphabet and needs the help more than any one else.


DUG: 93

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