Saturday, March 28, 2009

1,413.75 Hrs.

Today was a Young Heroes Saturday, and the topic of the day was "The Roots of Poverty". We took a bus down south to Camillus House, which is an organization that provides low-cost housing for people who are in the "transitional phase" - they have an income, but are not yet up on their own feet. For the service portion of the day, we cleaned up the grounds of the complex a little bit, including picking up a lot of trash.

After the students left, all of the Team Leaders went over to Liana's house for a Team Leader Appreciation Dinner. It was really fun to relax, eat good food, and hang out with the people that I work with every Saturday. I didn't stay very late, though, because today really wore me out and I was feeling totally exhausted by the time the students left.


DUG: 81

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