Monday, March 30, 2009

1,422.75 Hrs.

Today was another great day!

This morning, instead of going in to R. R. Moton, I met Lee, Dan, and Saif at the office so we could travel to Commissioner Bruno's office. We had a round table with him all about City Year and the work we do, and it was actually pretty cool. It's been very frustrating to me that I've never been invited to do a roundtable before (especially since some people have done, like, thirty), and I'm not really sure I was their first pick for the roundtable today, but it was still fun to be there.

At school, fifth grade interventions were cancelled because of a field trip, so I didn't really have to do much work until J.A. After school, we ran a Sarfish Corps lesson, and the kids enjoyed so much that I didn't have to work so hard at getting them organized and behaving well.

So, yep, today was pretty great.


DUG: 79

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