Thursday, September 18, 2008

160 Hrs.

TGIF! I don't think I have ever needed a weekend this much.

My day today started out with P.T., which was fun, as always. After that, we walked back to the office and created some skits about different problems that may occur with corp members. After that, we played a game in which we broke up into seven teams and each team had to create a community. Before anyone could build anything, though, one representative from each team had to go up to the "city council" and present their idea to them to see if it would be approved. The corp members had no idea, but ahead of time, each team was tagged as either upper class, upper-middle class, middle class, lower class, or impoverished. The idea is that it was easier for the upper class communities to build things they needed than the lower class communities. We were a lower class community. In the beginning, I was the representative, and went up to the city council to ask permission to build a hospital. Twice I was asked to let other representative go in front of me before I got the idea that the city council was not going to listen to me. When I went back to my team, we decided to revolt, and that is where everything with my team went downhill. We were supposed to be demonstrating civil disobedience, but half of my team wasn't listening when we discussed the revolt, so when the city council finally decided to listen to us, I couldn't get my team to stop yelling. After listening to our request for a hospital, the city council agreed to grant us one, but only if we would also build a liquor store with neon lights and a prison. I agreed to those terms since I thought it best to compromise, but later my team started screaming at me because I made a "stupid decision". This made me very frustrated because I felt that they were taking it too seriously for a game. Right after all of that, the game was ended. After the game, Binsen, one of the senior corp members, set out for us a feast that was a "taste of Miami".

After the lunch break, the corp sat down for an hour to learn about reporting suspected child abuse. Then, we filled out our time cards, and got out two hours early!

For the rest of tonight, I plan on relaxing and going to bed early. Everyone else will be going out to a club on South Beach tonight, but since I am not yet 21, that option is out for me. I will be glad to catch up on my sleep, though.


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