Saturday, September 6, 2008

35 Hrs.

I'm sorry I was unable to post yesterday, but our internet was down.

As for yesterday, it definitely was NOT boring. Yesterday was our first service day and we were going to go to a park in Overtown to paint and garden, but as of yesterday morning, we were unsure that we would be able perform that service. A lot of uncertainty has been surrounding our lives lately because of all the hurricanes and hurricane weather headed our way. We were able to go to the park, though, and I was assigned to the team that built and painted a trophy case for the local youth rec center. At about 1:30, all of the corp members were evacuated from the service area because of a shooting that occurred in the park we were working in. We went back to the Cy office, and spent the rest of the day talking about what had happened and about Hurricane, which is a very severe hurricane that may very well hit us. I wasn't really worried about the hurricane until yesterday, but now I am terrified. The storm will probably hit us early Monday morning and I may not have power for up to a few weeks after the storm, so I don't know when the next time is I will be able to update. Please keep all of us here in Southeastern Miami in your prayers, though.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stay safe alyssa. i really miss you. i miss having my big sister home all day. and i miss knowing she'll always be safe.